The Power Of Music
You know it is really amazing how powerful music can be. Music can put a smile on your face or make you cry and bring you to your knees it just hits home some times. Music has got me through some tough times. It got me through those times when I wanted to kill my self and it got me threw those times where I wanted to kill others. I think music is vary important thing and I think it is an ausem gift from god or whom ever you believe in. Music has also been there for the good times as well. I have a lot of really good memories in some songs and whenever I hear those songs It makes me smile and remember those good crazy times. The one thing I hate about music is when a band takes a good song and remixes it and it sounds like the song is being played on a c d player and it is skipping. I do not hate remixes I just hate really bad remixes some remixes sound cool and some times I like the remake even better than the erigeanal. Another thing I hate is when they take a song that is kind of a dance song and remix it even more that just drives me insane. I’m glad I lost my vision and not my hearing. Because if I lost my hearing I would not be able to enjoy life as much. Tomorrow I’m heading out to B C for the nationals for power lifting. I think it will go well. I’m not sure when I will write again but hope fully it will be sooner than later. It seems like I’m going threw a bit of a journey lately and it seems like I have turned a corner in my life well in till next time lets take care of each other remember your actions effect other people.
You know it is really amazing how powerful music can be. Music can put a smile on your face or make you cry and bring you to your knees it just hits home some times. Music has got me through some tough times. It got me through those times when I wanted to kill my self and it got me threw those times where I wanted to kill others. I think music is vary important thing and I think it is an ausem gift from god or whom ever you believe in. Music has also been there for the good times as well. I have a lot of really good memories in some songs and whenever I hear those songs It makes me smile and remember those good crazy times. The one thing I hate about music is when a band takes a good song and remixes it and it sounds like the song is being played on a c d player and it is skipping. I do not hate remixes I just hate really bad remixes some remixes sound cool and some times I like the remake even better than the erigeanal. Another thing I hate is when they take a song that is kind of a dance song and remix it even more that just drives me insane. I’m glad I lost my vision and not my hearing. Because if I lost my hearing I would not be able to enjoy life as much. Tomorrow I’m heading out to B C for the nationals for power lifting. I think it will go well. I’m not sure when I will write again but hope fully it will be sooner than later. It seems like I’m going threw a bit of a journey lately and it seems like I have turned a corner in my life well in till next time lets take care of each other remember your actions effect other people.