Back with a vengeance
Hello all my faithfully readers. You have all been probably wondering Ware I have been. Well I did an up date last week I’m talking about the month before or how ever long it has been. Well it has been a crazy time in my life. The first big thing that happened is that my Ant died suddenly some time last month. She was only about sixty years old. She went to the hospital complaining about shortness of breath a headache and a soar throat and they told her she just had strep throat and sent her home and she collapsed on the porch. She was taking a lot of medication for various health problems. The one med she was taking was that viox drug that is for arthritis which is apparently unsafe. I think she had a stroke or a heart attack. The other things that have been going on, are I was having some miner computer problems but nothing to serious. But most of the problems are fixed but not all of them. Not to mention I have been working and training for the nationals and have not much energy for anything other than the Simpson’s or King of the Hill or Wrestling. But getting back to my Ant I have been vary angry and sad about this because the hospital scrued up. If I were the doctor I would not have sent here home. Another thing that pisses me off is the heartless drug company. All they care about is the money. They’re a lot of natural healing that they do not want you to know about. Because if you did know about they would lose money. I feel that these drug companies are almost as bad as the drug pushers in the ghettos and back alleys. Now I know a lot of drugs are bad like Coke heroin and to a lesser extent pot. But some of these drugs that are legal are not much better and also can screw up your life as well. In some cases they are worse because you think they are helping you when they are causing a lot more problems. In my opinion they should legalize mariwana it is no worse than alcohol, alcohol causes a lot of problems and yet it is still legal. I’m not saying mariwana is not bad for you but it is not as bad as TV and the government make it out to be. Yes it has it problems like it makes you do and say stupid things but so does alcohol. I think some of these legal drugs should be illegal and I think the world should try and find out these natural healing methods. I wish this world would stop being so bloody greedy and start caring about this world and the people that live in it. Well that is my two cents for the day you can put it in your pocket or you can throw it away. Oh yah I wrote this about two months ago but I have been with out the net for a while well I’m back and I’m going to and try and write some at least once a week. I thought about stopping writing on this sight. But I’ve decided to continue I have a lot more to say. I just have to put my thoughts in to words. I would just like to say I’m sorry for noting a whole lot and look forward to a lot of reading in the future.
Hello all my faithfully readers. You have all been probably wondering Ware I have been. Well I did an up date last week I’m talking about the month before or how ever long it has been. Well it has been a crazy time in my life. The first big thing that happened is that my Ant died suddenly some time last month. She was only about sixty years old. She went to the hospital complaining about shortness of breath a headache and a soar throat and they told her she just had strep throat and sent her home and she collapsed on the porch. She was taking a lot of medication for various health problems. The one med she was taking was that viox drug that is for arthritis which is apparently unsafe. I think she had a stroke or a heart attack. The other things that have been going on, are I was having some miner computer problems but nothing to serious. But most of the problems are fixed but not all of them. Not to mention I have been working and training for the nationals and have not much energy for anything other than the Simpson’s or King of the Hill or Wrestling. But getting back to my Ant I have been vary angry and sad about this because the hospital scrued up. If I were the doctor I would not have sent here home. Another thing that pisses me off is the heartless drug company. All they care about is the money. They’re a lot of natural healing that they do not want you to know about. Because if you did know about they would lose money. I feel that these drug companies are almost as bad as the drug pushers in the ghettos and back alleys. Now I know a lot of drugs are bad like Coke heroin and to a lesser extent pot. But some of these drugs that are legal are not much better and also can screw up your life as well. In some cases they are worse because you think they are helping you when they are causing a lot more problems. In my opinion they should legalize mariwana it is no worse than alcohol, alcohol causes a lot of problems and yet it is still legal. I’m not saying mariwana is not bad for you but it is not as bad as TV and the government make it out to be. Yes it has it problems like it makes you do and say stupid things but so does alcohol. I think some of these legal drugs should be illegal and I think the world should try and find out these natural healing methods. I wish this world would stop being so bloody greedy and start caring about this world and the people that live in it. Well that is my two cents for the day you can put it in your pocket or you can throw it away. Oh yah I wrote this about two months ago but I have been with out the net for a while well I’m back and I’m going to and try and write some at least once a week. I thought about stopping writing on this sight. But I’ve decided to continue I have a lot more to say. I just have to put my thoughts in to words. I would just like to say I’m sorry for noting a whole lot and look forward to a lot of reading in the future.
I'm so glad someone agrees with me on the whole natural healing thing. As I said to you earlier, naturopathy may be the way for me. I am sorry about your aunt. And you're totally right about people being greedy about money. It sucks, but I'm glad to see you're still around. Don't ever stop writing please!
He returns! Good to see, missed ya!
That's so horrible about your aunt. The health care system is going right down the shitter. They have no time to ask you any details about medical history. Just rush you out the door, and they don't think it's serious unless you have a gushing wound somewhere.
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